Outer Banks News And Views

Welcome to the Carolina Designs blog. Here you’ll find information about the Outer Banks, what’s going on, and what we hope are some entertaining posts, quizzes and articles.

Oregon Inlet Outer Banks Life Saving Station

A Different Part of the Outer Banks

April 25, 2020
From Carova to Ocracoke, the Outer Banks is about 125 to 130 miles beautiful beaches. That’s what ...
Beach Driving Cape Hatteras Outer Banks

So Much to Do at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

April 22, 2020
Officially opening in 1959, Cape Hatteras National Seashore was the first national seashore and nati...
Virginia Dare Bridge Manteo

The Outer Banks Begins to Reopen

Six weeks after restricting access to the Outer Banks to residents, employees of local businesses, a...
Igor Bensen Gyrocopter Air and Space Museum

The Spirit of Kitty Hawk Returns—Igor Benson and His Gyrocopter

April 20, 2020
Since the Wright Brothers proved that heavier than air flight was possible, inventors have dreamed o...
Avon Buxton strip

Cape Hatteras National Seashore – How the Nation’s First National Seashore Came to Be

April 17, 2020
Stretching from South Nags Head to Ocracoke, Cape Hatteras National Seashore is one of the most beau...
Diamond Shoals Lightship LV71

A Day of Fear and Heroism

April 11, 2020
In many ways, WWI was a harbinger of things to come, from the introduction of what we now consider m...
New Outer Banks Handicap Duck Blind

Outer Banks National Parks 2019 Review

April 8, 2020
Who knows how it was done, but somehow the Outer Banks Group of the National Park Service had one of...
Osprey Flying over the Outer Banks

Springtime Comes to the Outer Banks

April 6, 2020
It’s easy to get so focussed on our daily troubles that we sometimes forget to look around us and ...

Good Things Happening Around the Outer Banks

March 27, 2020
This is certainly a difficult time for all of us to be going through. Yet here we are at a place whe...
Slice Pizza Kill Devil Hills OBX Interior

More Than Pizza – Outer Banks Italian Restaurants

February 25, 2020
Italian restaurants have become so associated with pizza that sometimes it seems that’s the only t...
Irma Shipwreck Outer Banks

The Wreck of the Irma…As Told through the Eyes of a Budding Young Author

February 21, 2020
When the three-masted schooner Irma ran aground in Kill Devil Hills in 1925, she became one of a pop...
Laura Barnes Shipwreck Nags Head OBX

Laura A. Barnes Shipwreck

February 7, 2020
The listing in the July 1921 issue of Marine Review about the Laura A. Barnes is a single line readi...