Disc Golf Course opens on Outer Banks
The Town of Kill Devil Hills held its ribbon cutting for the Casey R. Logan Disc Golf Course on Saturday, March 30, 2019.
Located at the end of the gravel road that parallels the First Flight High School football field, it is the first disc golf course on the Outer Banks, and it is beautiful. Cut though 35 acres of maritime forest, the holes seem more like paths or trails though a maritime forest than a course. Yet at the end of each path there is a basket with chains waiting for disc to come home.

Actually there are two baskets for each hole, so the course can be considered either a 36 hole challenge, or can be played to the yellow baskets as an easier course. For championship level, there are the red baskets.
The course, for all its beauty and challenge, it seems to have a bit of a rough-hewn feel to it. Well-designed with clear markers describing where the basket is for each hole, there is, still a rustic feel to the course.
That may very well be because the course was not designed by a professional. And the logs hauled off to the side in some areas, as well as the name of the course itself, are all part of the story.
The course is named for Bob and Lin Logan’s son, Casey who died in 2000 when he was 24. His parents wanted to find a way to memorialize their son, but as his mother pointed out at the ribbon cutting, creating a scholarship in his name didn’t seem right.

In 2013, the town of Kill Devil Hills was debating what to do with about 45 acres of what is known as the Baum Tract.
The Baum Tract is a 322 acre area donated and sold at a fraction of its cost by one-time town mayor Diane Baum St. Clair in 1983. The Baum Center, Kill Devil Hills town offices and First Flight elementary, middle and high schools are all located on the Baum Tract.
At that 2013 meeting, Lin Logan broached the idea of a disc golf course that would be a “… memorial for our son.” At the meeting, she and her husband pledged $15,000 to the project if it moved forward.
It took a while. There was considerable debate about what to do with the land—picnic or camping area; natural trails—quite a number of uses were proposed.
Finally in 2016, approval for a disc golf course was granted and the project began.
There wasn’t a lot of money for it, though. Actually, none, to be exact. The town was willing to put up the land, but creating the course would have to be done entirely on a volunteer basis.
As it turned out, Mayor Sheila Davies’ husband, Daryl is avid disc golfer, and he took the project on. Enlisting the aid of his friend and “workout partner”—his description, Bob Sanders—who is the owner of Tortuga’s Lie Restaurant—he went to work.
Davies outlined the course and he and Sanders began clearing brush and cutting trees.—all by hand. They didn’t really have the equipment they needed, but they went ahead anyway, cutting trees down then cutting them up into 6’ sections so they could haul them away. Volunteers showed up—a lot of volunteers. Local tree services stopped by to help with brush and tree removal. Local companies bought disc baskets for the holes.
It took three years, but the end result was that the course did not cost the town anything to build.
For a novice disc golfer, the course is challenging. The paths to the baskets are somewhat narrow and everything curves slightly. Still, it’s a very pleasant walk through a beautiful maritime forest and even if making par seems like a far off dream, it’s worth the effort.